
De gloeilamp

Het Experiment - ‘If we knew what we are doing, we wouldn’t call it research’

Vooruitgang gaat meestal niet via een rechte lijn. Daarom moeten we proberen, experimenteren en leren om de beste aanpak of de juiste route te vinden. We beschikken ook niet altijd over alle informatie of de situatie is complex, waardoor niet alle relevante zaken en onderlinge verbanden bekend kunnen zijn en slechts door ‘trial & error’ gevonden kunnen worden.

10 most recent lessons


Biomass power plants: redundant or inevitable?
You have to accept the risk that things will not turn out the way you want. Climate change is a big problem that goes over a very long time and a lot of money. It is difficult to do anything in an environment where anything and everything can happen, such as very new technologies. Still, something has to be done to address the problems and it is good that this is being tried.


Columbus discovers America
Columbus had to accept in his voyage that a good sailing route might not be found, things sometimes have to be tried in several attempts to reach the final success.


Useless solar cell machine may start improving batteries
It is not easy to develop such a machine and there is a good chance that it will not succeed. Still, it is good to keep trying, because if you do succeed, you have an incredibly valuable invention on your hands.


In finding a new drug, there is always the risk that the drug will not work or will not work as desired. This is simply part of the process and this risk must be taken to make important discoveries.


Failed cleanup of Gulf of Mexico
This is a complex system, where side effects sometimes overshadow those originally intended. Sometimes this produces a positive overall result, sometimes not. Coincidence (serendipity) is often attached to complexity. It always remains important to test interventions in a complex system in practice. In her research, Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia looks at the resources used in the Gulf. There are other agents as well. It's possible that one of them works better. That's to be hoped, because the chemicals also help prevent a thick slick of oil from washing up on the beach. Therefore, they will often be used again in future oil spills anyway.


Online events
A lot of hard work went into making the online event a success, but the system was still in an experimental phase. It just wasn't able to be tested sufficiently in time. As a result, there was a high risk that things would go wrong.


Huge cost and time overruns on ICT projects in the Dutch government
ICT projects are relatively new, so there is still a lot of experimentation to be done in terms of what works and what doesn't.


Technological progress overtakes research
It is important that the results of this kind of research are shared, so that no one else does the same research without knowing what has already been tried.


Does robotisation work in theory?
The system creates a need to innovate. Subsequently, there appears to be no room for innovation and experimentation. Progress does not usually follow a straight line. That is why we have to try, experiment and learn in order to find the best approach or the right route. This often clashes with guidelines and regulators.


Tablet app does not get off the ground
We also do not always have all the information available or the situation is complex, so that not all the relevant issues and interrelationships may be known and can only be found by trial and error.