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Ford Edsel
Ford wilde naast de bestaande submerken Mercury en Lincoln een nieuw submerk oprichten: Ford Edsel. Na grondig marktonderzoek en een grote campagne werden zeven modellen middenklasse-auto’s op de markt gebracht. Helaas werden er maar weinig auto’s van Edsel verkocht. Het publiek vond de auto’s niet mooi en duurzaam genoeg en er zaten productiefouten in. Ook had Edsel niet genoeg loyaliteit van klanten.


Air disaster

Flying has become much safer after Tenerife air disaster
The worst air disaster ever occurred on the runway of the airport on the Canary Island of Tenerife. Two Boeings collided there at full speed. One Boeing did not have take-off clearance yet, but other circumstances also played a role. It was very foggy and there was confused communication with the control tower. Since then, flying has become much safer. Airline staff are allowed to make mistakes and admit them, so that everyone can learn from them.



Endangered species

Eagle gives scientists a very expensive phone bill
Russian researchers wanted to study the flight routes of eagles, with the aim of increasing the chances of survival of this endangered species. One of the eagles decided to take a tourist route across the steppe - one of the few places in the world without GPS coverage - and reappeared in Iran: a country with a high SMS rate. This left the researchers with no money to follow the other eagles. Fortunately, donors and the provider came to their rescue.