
De duiker van Acapulco


Wat is het goede moment om iets te doen? Illustratief voor een goede timing zijn de beroemde duikers bij Acapulco die voor een doorgaans massaal publiek van een grote hoogte in het water duiken. Zij wachten daarbij het moment af, waarop een golf het water opstuwt en voor voldoende diepte zorgt. Men kan zich voorstellen wat er gebeurt wanneer de timing verkeerd is. Zo is ook het introduceren van nieuwe producten of diensten niet alleen een kwestie van een goed idee, maar ook van het goede moment afwachten. Soms hebben mensen het gevoel dat ze een fantastisch idee hebben, maar dan blijkt een soortgelijke ontwikkeling al plaatsgevonden te hebben en is een vergelijkbare propositie net eerder op de markt gekomen. Maar minstens zo vaak is de tijd nog niet rijp; de markt is er nog niet klaar voor, de deelnemende partijen zien er de waarde (nog) niet van in, etc. Deze situatie laat zich het beste duiden als: te vroeg is ook niet op tijd.

10 most recent lessons


An affordable Porsche
By the time the model could finally begin production, the model proved dated and it was too late to make sales.


Dismantling oil platforms
The industry may not have been ready at that time to prioritize decommissioning. As a result, Fairfield Decom did not win the contracts.


Royal vacation during the corona crisis
Especially at a time when many people are struggling financially and many people cannot afford to go on vacation and are advised against it, it is not the best timing to go on vacation as a king. Also, it is not very empathetic to all the people who are lonely, sick or deceased. At the time of the vacation, stricter measures had just been announced emphasizing less ordinary human activities such as vacations. In addition, a number of other issues had occurred just before such as the closure of the nature reserve for the benefit of the royal yacht, the speedboat, the maintenance of the palaces and the salary increase. This while the king said during the speech from the throne that it was a difficult period for everyone. So a number of things had already happened about which many Dutch people were dissatisfied and this came on top of that.


Will tomorrow's people over 80 still be willing to pay for a good old age?
This kind of intermediary service is new for this target group. Perhaps it came too soon.


Technological progress overtakes research
The lesson is that old definitions must be correlated to the state of science and, in this case, the quality of radiological research at the time.


Does robotisation work in theory?
Timing is crucial: if you are (too) early, you must ensure that you cover this risk through cooperation with and/or commitment by the supervisors. In the event of a change of guard, in this case a new inspector, the support base must be secured again and agreements laid down.


The fiasco with the cruise ship Roald Amunsen of the Norwegian company Hurtigruten
Hurtigruten was the first cruise line to start sailing again since Corona had broken out. There had already been fewer infections and stricter measures had been put in place, so it seemed that everything would go well. However, Hurtigruten was too early, with the result that more than 60 people have been infected.


LG on the phone market: a pioneer slowly overtaken
After a number of failures, LG smartphones had lost so much popularity that it was too late to compete with the popular devices from Apple and Samsung. These companies had overtaken LG.


When the project was underway, the Bijlmermeer became nationally known for its social problems.


In many places, John de Mol's TV channel is depicted as a failure. John de Mol himself disagrees. "I have always said that it would take three to five years before we would be where we wanted to be. And I have always said that 90% of the new programmes would fail," the media tycoon said at the table with Nova. "The losses we suffered were all calculated in, everything went according to the business plan." Nevertheless, he acknowledges that some calculation errors were made, such as bringing NSE out too early. "It would have been better to bring that in only in the second or third year. NSE didn't get any viewers and was a big failure of TIEN Timing is very important for a project, too late and someone else has already taken the chance and if it's too early there is no interest in it.