
De Post-it

De kracht van serendipiteit: de kunst om toevallig iets belangrijks te ontdekken

Het gebeurt regelmatig dat een afwijkende uitkomst in eerste instantie een mislukking is, die niet voldoet aan de verwachtingen. Maar bij nader inzien blijkt het resultaat op een andere manier toch waardevol te zijn. Een voorbeeld hiervan is de zoektocht van technologieconcern 3M naar een nieuwe superlijm. De zwakhechtende lijm die werd ontwikkeld belandde als mislukking op de plank. Pas vijf jaar later werd een zeer succesvolle toepassing gevonden voor deze in eerste instantie mislukte innovatie.

10 most recent lessons


The first popsicle
You had not intended to freeze the drink, but this resulted in the first popsicle. Even if the result of your action is different than you wanted, it is wise to be open to the fact that the result might be useful in another way.


Columbus discovers America
Columbus' plan to find a new sailing route to the Far East failed. Yet the voyage was a success, for instead of a new sailing route, a new continent was discovered.


Buena Vista Social Club
Instead of working with Malian musicians, other musicians joined the group. So the project went differently than previously conceived, but one can certainly not be dissatisfied with the outcome.


Useless solar cell machine may start improving batteries
Christian Rood happened to discover something very important: a machine that was lying around gathering dust, is now possibly going to improve the battery industry enormously. It is important to be open to such new possibilities, that way you can discover very important things.


When Pfizer found out that their drug had a different effect than intended, it was important for the pharmaceutical to be open about the possible usefulness of the other effect the drug had: it provided erections.


The leaning tower of Pisa
Iets wat in eerste opzicht lijkt op een mislukking, kan uitgroeien tot een wereldberoemd bouwwerk. Stel dat de toren van Pisa was ‘geslaagd’ en recht was geweest, was de toren dan ook wereldberoemd geworden?


Energy transition cooking gas Utrecht
At many times, old routines played an obstructive role in the project. The corporations estimated that residents were not waiting for work to be carried out in their homes several times, as they had learned in previous projects. They preferred to postpone the project in order to combine it with work that would take place several years later. However, on a tour of the neighbourhood, almost all residents were happy with the offer. The work was not mentioned as an obstacle. Nevertheless, this argument kept being mentioned by various people from the different corporations. Even the installers stepped into an old groove when they were asked to estimate the cost of the intervention. Each new estimate was higher than the previous one because they kept estimating new possible setbacks and assumed that these risks would end up in their pockets. The corporations' maintenance people also shot into their old reflex; given the estimates, they decided it would be cheaper to include the cooking gas replacement in already planned maintenance projects than in a programmatic approach over the entire district. Neither party was able to open a discussion on their own about the common interest.


The Norwegian Linie Aquavit
Another Scandinavian product born from serendipity! The Scandinavians prove they have a talent for harvesting unexpected outcomes. In the same century as the discovery of AquaLinie Alfred Nobel accidentally discovered dynamite after putting a popular but flammable salve on a cut finger…


Many people enjoy living and working in the Bijlmermeer. There is enormous diversity and open and friendly people who are literally creating a new society. In addition, a large-scale renewal operation was set in motion in the 1990s and has now progressed well. A large part of the high-rise has been demolished and replaced by smaller-scale housing, including much housing in the owner-occupied sector. The remaining flats are being thoroughly renovated. In addition, many of the original elevated roads (the 'dreven') have been replaced by roads at ground level, through the excavation of the dykes and the demolition of the viaducts. Most of the parking garages from the original design have also been demolished in the process.


NOTS - micro-credits
The project has given NOTS the idea to develop the NOTS Microcredit Bonds. The money NOTS earns from these bonds is used to provide study grants to underprivileged children in developing countries.