
De canyon

Ingesleten patronen

In ons leven komen we vaak dezelfde situaties tegen. Om daar efficiënt mee om te gaan ontwikkelen we routines, gewoontes en best practices. Zowel individueel als georganiseerd leren we vaardigheden en deze nestelen zich in ons brein of in de vorm van geschreven en ongeschreven protocollen in de organisatie of samenleving.

10 most recent lessons


The democratic monster victory
Not enough attention has been paid to how Hilary Clinton, for example, was too quick to assume that women would vote for her. For example, Democrats in Pennsylvania were too quick to assume that Latinos would vote for them because this is an ethnic group. Because of this wrong assumption, too little attention was paid to this group and Latinos overwhelmingly voted for Trump. It would be better to properly analyze where the doubters are and which people still need to be convinced, this needs better research.


Greening European agriculture
Too many animal products are consumed. If EU citizens changed this behavior, much less CO2 would be emitted.


Better-Life certificate
People still have the habit of eating a lot of meat and very few people manage to get out of that eating pattern, because of this there is still too much livestock.


The leaning tower of Pisa
Something that looks like a failure at first glance can grow into a world-famous structure. Suppose the tower of Pisa had "succeeded" and been straight, would the tower have become world famous?


Cyberpunk? Cyberflop!
The original schedule for the game's launch was too tight and a new plan of action was not devised.


Royal vacation during the corona crisis
The king and his family are in the habit of going on vacation and have not given much thought to the fact that that year it might be a better idea to stay home.


Too few responses to survey
Too much thought was given to the solution of the survey, instead of also looking at other ways of finding answers.


MEE Samen wants to help turn healthcare around
Directives and protocols imposed on organisations by the system offer little room for change. If one clings too much to standard procedures, such as guidelines and protocols, you get canyon formation and it becomes difficult to let go of this archetype of "ingrained patterns".


Energy transition cooking gas Utrecht
At many times, old routines played an obstructive role in the project. The corporations estimated that residents were not waiting for work to be carried out in their homes several times, as they had learned in previous projects. They preferred to postpone the project in order to combine it with work that would take place several years later. However, on a tour of the neighbourhood, almost all residents were happy with the offer. The work was not mentioned as an obstacle. Nevertheless, this argument kept being mentioned by various people from the different corporations. Even the installers stepped into an old groove when they were asked to estimate the cost of the intervention. Each new estimate was higher than the previous one because they kept estimating new possible setbacks and assumed that these risks would end up in their pockets. The corporations' maintenance people also shot into their old reflex; given the estimates, they decided it would be cheaper to include the cooking gas replacement in already planned maintenance projects than in a programmatic approach over the entire district. Neither party was able to open a discussion on their own about the common interest.


Technological progress overtakes research
Instead of following ingrained patterns, we need to look at whether there are not other techniques in this day and age that suddenly make things visible or invalidate definitions.