
De huid van de beer

Te snel concluderen dat iets een succes is

Aanvankelijk succes kan ons ten onrechte de indruk geven dat we de juiste weg hebben gekozen. Echter, duurzaam succes houdt in dat de aanpak ook op langere termijn, op grotere schaal en/of in andere omstandigheden moet werken. We zien dat de stap van een ‘Proof of Concept’ naar een ‘Proof of Business’ voor veel ondernemingen groot en vaak zelfs te groot is. Het bekende spreekwoord: ‘Je moet de huid niet verkopen voordat de beer geschoten is.’ levert een mooie metafoor voor deze situatie.

10 most recent lessons


Biomass power plants: redundant or inevitable?
It was thought that this was going to be a game changer that would allow us to meet the climate targets, but that seems to be debatable. The government was too quick to spend billions.


The democratic monster victory
The fact that voters chose the Democrats in the last election does not mean that they will choose this party again. The fact that someone falls into a certain demographic group also does not immediately mean that they will choose a certain party as a result, this was also assumed too much.


Cyberpunk? Cyberflop!
It was not recognized that the game was not yet ready to be sold.


Ford Edsel
The market research was not enough reason to believe that the brand was going to be a success.


Once and for all: eradicating the yellow fever mosquito in Aruba
The project and the method were proven successful and rock solid. Yet, we see that possible other views (on proven effectiveness and methodology) and the local political context were not sufficiently considered beforehand. Assuming undeniable success, the specific context and possible objections to this project were passed over too quickly in advance, as a result of which they were not addressed in the communication.


The "smart" mattress
It must be immediately clear whether it is a proven physical concept or one that requires further development. It cannot simply be assumed that a supplier will keep its promises.


Easier to reach the elderly with new technology via their children than directly
After all the positive and enthusiastic reactions, it was assumed that it would be a success, so it was too early to cheer.


Hotline to Home
The enthusiasm of experts and visionaries is no guarantee of success for a new technological solution in the communications field.


Solar energy with the best microfinance providers in Uganda
An excellent small solar dealer in Makasa did manage to develop good cooperation with the market leader UML by working directly with the loan officers. The manager of the small branch office then recorded the loans under the heading "home improvement loans". At the same time, the attempts by the UML head office to work with solar loans in their best branch did not get off the ground at all. A few hundred km away, it worked, without the head office noticing, and thanks to the good work of this solar dealer.


The Sea Is Coming
In promotion you have to be much more committed, programmes and concepts have to be ready much earlier because of the size.