
De lege plek aan tafel

Niet alle relevante partijen zijn betrokken

Om een verandering te laten slagen is de instemming van alle relevante partijen nodig. Ontbreekt er een partij bij de voorbereiding of implementatie, dan is de kans groot dat deze vanwege gebrek aan betrokkenheid niet overtuigd is van het nut of belang. Ook kan het gevoel buitengesloten zijn leiden tot gebrek aan medewerking.

10 most recent lessons


The Dutch COVID-19 Appathon
In the rush, the communication was somewhat less careful and wrong expectations were raised among parties and the public. For example, the project leader and CIO of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ron Roozendaal) was attacked here and there and accused of undermining the right to privacy. In a personal blog, he convincingly demonstrated that this accusation is completely unjustified, but we know how quickly perceptions can change.


The democratic monster victory
Not enough attention has been paid to how Hilary Clinton, for example, was too quick to assume that women would vote for her. For example, Democrats in Pennsylvania were too quick to assume that Latinos would vote for them because this is an ethnic group. Because of this wrong assumption, too little attention was paid to this group and Latinos overwhelmingly voted for Trump. It would be better to properly analyze where the doubters are and which people still need to be convinced, this needs better research.


At first the focus was only on wealthy Randstadians as potential buyers, when efforts were also made to get less wealthy people living in the region to come to Blauwestad, the target group became much larger. At first, not all relevant parties were involved in the project.


An affordable Porsche
Not enough consideration was given to the wishes of the potential buyers of the car from the US, who preferred to drive a less heavy car.


SH*T Umbrella
There was not a good enough enquiry as to whether the target audience would find SH*T Umbrella a good term. It was not realized beforehand that the term was not loaded enough within the Lean Startup movement. The moment the initiative had been live for a week, with the necessary communication from our side around it, and many people did not seem to automatically understand the purpose, we decided not to develop it further. The term was not obvious enough and was therefore not appealing to reach a large audience.


Renovation of the Dutch Afsluitdijk
When it became clear that the mistake had been made, it was not immediately communicated properly to the government and the problem was made smaller than it was.


Quibi streamed, but not well
Quibi was a paid service and had to compete with services that were free, such as TikTok and YouTube. People just didn't want to pay for the service. This means that there was no market for the product at that time. So there was not good enough market research on whether consumers were interested in the streaming service.


Unlimited first class flying with the Unlimited AAirpass
Not good enough research has been done on how often people would use their pass and how they might also misuse the pass.


Royal vacation during the corona crisis
There was no proper consultation with the government about whether this vacation was such a good idea.


Ford Edsel
Despite the market research, what the public wanted, for example, in terms of design and sustainability, was not properly considered.