
De verkeerde portemonnee

Het voordeel van de één is een nadeel voor de ander

In complexe situaties is het soms lastig in te schatten waar de voordelen en waar de nadelen van een project optreden. Regelmatig komt het voor dat de verandering voor het systeem als geheel positief uitvalt (een besparing, betere service, betere volksgezondheid), maar dat dit ten koste gaat van één of meerdere partijen binnen het systeem. Als het om geld gaat, is een compensatie vanuit het collectief soms nodig om een acceptabele, win-win (of not lose-not lose) situatie te creëren, waarbij niet de portemonnee van de één gevuld wordt door die van de ander.

5 most recent lessons


Greening European agriculture
European member states have little appetite for adhering to strict and costly rules and therefore do not cooperate well in changing policies.


Better-Life certificate
It is more expensive for farmers and slaughterhouses to adapt to the label's rules than to produce animal products through their existing methods.


Dismantling oil platforms
It costs the oil companies a lot of money to have the platforms dismantled, without also making money. As a result, the companies give little priority to the project and postpone it.


MEE Samen wants to help turn healthcare around
The common good is not well taken care of, if an organisation would like to take up the project, they have to bear all the costs at once, while the other organisations benefit.


Energy Transition Woerden
This project started with the premise that many tons of public money could be saved by avoiding the replacement of the gas grid. This did require investments from residents and the housing association in renovating the homes, but these would probably be compensated from the predicted savings. However, the network manager receives permission from the state on an annual budget. Projects that are avoided and therefore not budgeted for therefore do not result in savings. They do indirectly result in a slightly lower standing charge, but this is dwarfed by the investment this requires from homeowners.