
De rechterhersenhelft

Niet alle beslissingen komen op rationele gronden tot stand

Het is vaak al moeilijk genoeg om het gedrag van een complex systeem te voorspellen. Nog lastiger wordt het, wanneer het individuele gedrag van de spelers in het systeem niet (direct) te verklaren is op basis van bekende feiten. Sommige mensen zijn onvoorspelbaar en/of niet consequent in hun reacties en beslissingen en dat introduceert een extra graad van onzekerheid. Er zijn theorieën die de linkerhersenhelft in verband brengen met rationele processen en de rechterhersenhelft met het gevoel en emotionele processen.

9 most recent lessons


No (Golden) Grand Slam for Novak Djokovic
The pressure and emotion began to play tricks on Djokovic. He was so close to winning the Golden Grand Slam after winning the first three grand slam tournaments and he wanted it badly. Before the US Open final he told the press that he would play the match as if it were the last of his career and during the second-to-last game Djokovic burst into tears. It is very difficult to still show your best game under such enormous pressure.


Dippy the dinosaur
The state leaders saw the Dippy's differently than Carnegie saw them. Carnegie saw them as forming a whole together and all coming from the same skeleton. The heads of state, on the other hand, saw it as their own dinosaur and were not concerned with meeting other nations and making peace, but with making war.


It was difficult to convince the farmers to sell their land. They and their families had always worked the land and didn't want to give up their farms easily, even though rationally it might have been a better idea to sell the land.


Quibi streamed, but not well
The team did not know how to function. There were all kinds of problems, executives quit and the two founders eventually didn't get along either. All these mutual problems were at the expense of the company's success.


Will tomorrow's people over 80 still be willing to pay for a good old age?
The service was developed partly in response to interviews, but the non-rational behaviour of users is apparently difficult to predict from these.


Easier to reach the elderly with new technology via their children than directly
It is known that the success of technological innovations depends for 80% on the social innovation component. The key to greater acceptance therefore lies in understanding the motivations and (invisible) barriers of those involved as well as possible. And then to take this into account during the introduction and embedding in practice.


LG on the phone market: a pioneer slowly overtaken
Instead of sticking to the formula for success, LG opted for experimental features and designs such as the curved screen or being able to add camera and audio components itself. LG made developing a new smartphone too complicated for itself.


Energy Transition Woerden
Residents do not look at their situation with the consideration 'what will happen to me until 2050 and is it the best choice to do this now', but live from now. They want to avoid uncertainty, go on holiday, have no worries in their old age. This is frustrating for professionals with a more rational view of the situation.


Medicines in development: out-of-treatment patients want them, but don't always get them
Because early access is about new treatment methods that have not yet been registered, mT is regularly confronted with ignorance and reticence on the part of companies and doctors. Providing information is therefore an important spearhead for mT.